How to Setup a Basic WordPress Site

WordPress has become an extremely popular platform designed to meet the needs of the people in different fields in the internet world. This platform provides a fast, convenient and reliable way to ensure that both personal and business goals are achieved.

In WordPress, you just have to enter the text of the pages and you may also include some photos. This site creates the desired pages, put the layout of the website to them, and include links to it from menu bar. When it deals with a blog site, WP finds a way to create new posts.

In this platform, you do not design for the layout. You are given the chance to choose one. However, you cannot edit the layouts. Instead, you can easily and quickly change main features, such as header picture and background color. It is operating from the Internet going to the browser. Thus, it will work on different devices or computers with good access to the internet. The following details below indicate how to setup a basic WP site. This will serve as your initial guide if you are planning to establish your own site using WordPress:

Blog site refers to the kind of site showing the newest content right at the top portion of its page. It may be one of the parts of the site having multiple pages. In WP, you may instantly add pages as well as other effects to the blog.

Get Inspired

Check out the theme showcase section of WordPress to obtain various examples of distinct site or blog startups. Feel free to explore for more ideas since got numerous options for you. You can come up with customized designs for more incredible look.

Your Home Page

Through your default blog set up, the front page displays the latest posts. Then, you may set up the static home page in order to obtain an interesting traditional site.

Adding More Pages

Most blogs got one or two pages, with only one page for posts and About Me section. However, you can still add more pages as you want. If you got a theme supporting the Custom Menus Features, you may do the following tasks:

  • Nest pages for creating sub-menus
  • Change the page order
  • Include custom links to navigation menu
  • Display posts into distinct pages through developing category pages

In addition, the module Page Attributes lets you set templates and page parents. At the same time, you can change the page order, regardless of the activated theme.

Disable Comments

Comments are the best way of soliciting the feedback of the readers. However, there are times when you just to things to be very simple. With, you can easily disable any comment in only a few seconds.

Widgets and Some Goodies

Widget has been the fancy word used for content or tools that may be displayed on the side bar of the site. There are various net widgets available, such as Search Widget and Pages Widget.

WordPress provides everything you need. If you want to learn more about setting up your own WP site, then, explore the web or simply visit its official page.




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