We’re glad that you are here!

All Hands Hosting is a project created out of passion, love, and necessity.

We’re not a bunch of venture capitalists or random entrepreneurs that are looking for the next “quick fix” in business. We are a group of 3 seasoned internet marketers that created this company to better serve the clients that we work with on a day to day basis.

You see, we’ve already been running a hosting company for the past 3 years, we just didn’t call it a hosting company.

Getting hosting for a website isn’t as easy as just going over to whoever is ranked on Google for “hosting provider” and signing up. There are so many factors that go into play when getting hosting for your website.

For instance did you know that most hosting companies charge for email addresses, when in fact it essentially costs nothing extra to provide them to a customer?

In addition, there are a number of factors that have come into play that we have removed from the equation, in an effort to provide value to our customers.

Our target clientele are small to medium sized businesses, as well as individuals that wish to have a website.

Our infrastructure

We’ve already designed our hosting infrastructure and are working on deploying a batch of new servers ready for game day!

In the meantime, pardon our dust as we dot the i’s and cross the t’s on our website.

We are always looking to improve and to provide a better customer experience, so if you have any suggestions along the way, please don’t hesitate to give us a shout!


Patrick Coombe
All Hands Hosting